Thursday, November 19, 2009

Has it been this long?

ok. We've slacked on the Blog thang. Sorry all.

Busy minds get preoccupied with their work. Which is one reason i'm able to take the time and write now! Science Vs Nature has scored an amazing deal with an incredible new management company. We're not allowed to give any news yes, but things are looking VERY exciting.

Oh, hell. I'll let ya know a little something: They've asked Science to learn how to DJ, and asked me to return to the decks. I used to DJ all over the place about 10 years ago, but gave it all up to study music and production. Should be interesting to see what 10 years of maturity and growth do to a veteran DJ, with LOADS of new toys and modern gear.
As for Science, I'm extremely curious as to how he plans on setting his "decks" up.

The management team has already done wonders with us, and we're very excited to have people excited to do business with us. Win/Win.
