Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11, 10 years ago, and now!

Where to begin?
I guess first and foremost, Science Vs Nature would like to honor the victims of 9/11, and we hope we can stop the violence that caused it, as well as the violence that came from it. Humans are capable of much greater things than hate; compassion and understanding should preside over all. Our prayers and thoughts are with the world so we may take a step forward, not three steps back.

Its hard to believe 10 years ago, Science and Nature were just starting to work together.

And on that note . . . while Nature was away re-centering himself in the greatest city of the world: Black Rock City, Science was hard at work on a new track that will blow minds! He found a rapper (undisclosed at this moment) that astonished us at his adlib ability and his tonal quality. His first take was the keeper!

Also, we have finished up the Science Remix of "Imagine", only to be heard by a few until the Nature version receives the same treatment.

We are looking forward to returning to our live presence which was cut away for several months due to an unforeseen collision with a 4 wheeled yellow dragon not watching his traffic lights. With the healing almost done, its time to get back in the saddle!

and if you haven't noticed: our apps!

among other links:

Expedition Recordings
SVN Podcast


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Mr. Groove

Just writing a little note.
D Minor . . . .

ok that was bad musician humor.

The real reason I write, Science is at the helm finishing up his remix of Mr. Groove, and i'm bored as he noodles! :-)
Mr. Groove has been in our repertoire for 5 years, and we've never released it.
"WHY?" you ask.
Well the reason is simple: Mr. Groove is an awesome track, but it is an extremely difficult one to produce. We have attempted only a few times, and nothing proved ideal. We decided to include Mr. Groove into our next series of releases, more as a challenge to ourselves if we could get it done under a deadline. Guess what . . . we're only a week delayed (which isn't bad after 5 years).
Next week . . . "Because of you!"
BTW, you can hear these songs from our free iPhone app, that has the LIVE versions of each song, as well as loads of other material. Take a peak.

OK, He's asking me questions. I need to focus more.
Have a good week,
and until next time . . .
eyes to the sky!